Love, Art, Life

Love, Art, Life

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Change for a dollar

A friend of mine shared this video with me, and it was so touching, I thought I'd share it with you.

I love things like this.  Sometimes we give and go on with our lives, and have no idea the good it does.  Sometimes we don't give, because we only  have change, and it's not enough.  Or we don't want to engage, or to slow down a minute to hunt for said change.  Or because it's uncomfortable to look someone wretched in the eyes.  It is a firm belief of mine that in actuality we are all wretched, some of us are just better at hiding it.

Life is energy.  As I said in my last post I have been giving a lot of thought lately as to how I spend my time. I also think about how and where I spend my money.  Money, is interesting.  There never seems to be enough.  We trade our life for money.  An exchange of energies.  As time goes by I find I have less and less energy.  And more and more places I would like to use it.  From time to time I think about things like what exactly is 'enough'.  Why are peoples 'enoughs' so different?  If I did have 'enough' what would I do with the extra?

It's Christmas and the shopping season is in full swing.  Everywhere I look there are advertisers screaming look here, look what we've got.  You know you want it...   do I?  Maybe.  But do I need it?  Does anyone need any of this stuff??  How has life become so complicated, so full of stuff, so much expectation.  Do I really want to use my energy to add to the coffers of the people for whom there is never 'enough'?  To trade my life for a few baubles, or things someone else tells me I need?   No.  This country was  founded on that.  And I for one will play along no more.  I will buy this bill of goods no longer.  Subscribe to someone elses idea of what life should look like no more.  Look where that's gotten us so far...

I have precious little energy left in this life.  How do I really want to use it?


Cindy Zelman said...

Geenie, I haven't yet had time to look at the video but your entry was so powerful. I could feel the energy behind your words. I listen to you when you speak.I think you are a woman of wisdom. xo

siouxsiepoet said...

hey baby gee, i want to have a conversation about this, but let me just say, i agree about the money thing but i frame it in the opposite way. i understand that abundance means different things to each person, so i try to focus on what abundance means to me, fifteen minutes of silence to enjoy a cup of coffee and journal in the morning could be all the abundance one person needs. i try to look at my life and instead of saying, there isn't enough, i focus on the abundance. i have an abundance of health, and abundance of love, an abundance of time to give to those i love. these more than make up for any money situations that may arise, and by resting in that abundance, more abundance is created. :) loveeeeeeee, :*